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At Immersioneer, we usually call this "the ego"
to keep it simple, but if that term doesn't resonate with you, stick with "my story"
When we can't see beyond our story--and so our little "me"—we lack empathy, lose human connection, and subject ourselves to greater suffering
Speaking of conversations, that's what we're all about. More specifically, dialogue--and a very intentional kind of dialogue.
And while the ego takes a lot of heat in our culture, let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. Egos have their role. Egos are what allow us to chart a part distinct from everyone else. The only problem is that many times we get stuck inside this story of ourselves. Oftentimes we get so stuck, we can't see anything beyond it.
The Ego | the false self
Whether we call it the story in the head, the "false self," or the ego, we're talking about the same thing.
The ego is called the "false" self because it's the dimension of our human being
that is always changing due to the circumstances of our lives.
To be "false" doesn't make the ego evil,
it just means that it isn't always true.
And as we seek psychological balance in our life, we won't find it if we're stuck squarely inside the ego.
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